According to Matthew 6:24.
In the Bible of the new testament, the term "mammon" is frequently understood to refer to money, material wealth, or any thing that promises wealth and is connected to the avaricious pursuit of gain.
Many youth are unaware of the fact that we live in The Spirit of Mammon's period. Those with a lust for success are under the grip of the Mammon spirit.Note, there is nothing wrong with being wealthy, but the problem is letting money control you.
Money is a symbol of our unhealthy relationship with it when we love and trust it more than anything else.
For the desire of money is the source of all evil, which some people longed after but led them astray from the faith and caused them to suffer greatly (1 Timothy 6:10). The mammon spirit, which still rules today, was in control of that wealthy young ruler with whom Jesus had a discourse.
Jesus was aware that this demon's time had arrived, and even though he was speaking to his disciples, he was truly addressing this generation with his message. Numerous people have tried and failed, and many more have sold their souls to this direct devil agent in exchange for money.
Please double-check everything if your soul yearns for money more than it yearns for the truth of God's word.
The Anti-Christ is being massively prepared for in this, his time. He wants to win as many young people to Satan as possible.
The fetish priest and mallams preaching money rituals on TV is only the beginning of what we are seeing. Nowadays, it is common to observe young people, some of them 24 years old, driving posh cars (am not saying all young people in fancy cars are fraud).
My major goal in talking on today's youth and money is to help you realize how the Bible relates to current events in the world. Don't be shocked if you see more young people slamming into whatever it is that's killing their friends for money.
Sakawa or scamming, which is believed to be the fastest means of all is resorted to by many young men. Many young ladies (women) resorts to prostitution. It is very disheartening the number of young and beautiful ladies you see in the streets of our cities at night ready to open their legs for men in return for money.
This undying zest for money has also led to a rise in the number of armed robbery cases. Lots of youth wants to make money without suffering.
The end results of this make money quick attitude among our youth of today is the so many cases of premature deaths that we record, many of those who engage in sakawa ends up dying, so many robbers are killed through mob action and many find themselves in jail.
So as prostitution leads to diseases that has no cure.
It is therefore prudent that the youth of today should be made to know that money may count but all in life is not about money. God has a purpose for creating every individual. If you were born into a poor family make content with your situation and do not try to be like others by trying all dubious means to make money
Dear youth, please be content with what you have for YAH our creator loves you.