New privacy features for WhatsApp users have been introduced by Meta. Users will get the option to select who can view their online status, leave group discussions in silence, and block screenshots on View Once messages. This will help keep WhatsApp chat "as private and secure as face-to-face talks," according to Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. This month, the features will start to be released, and a worldwide campaign will be launched, beginning in the UK, to showcase them.
Currently, when someone joins or leaves a group chat on the well-known messaging app, everyone else is automatically notified.
The option to leave silently is not offered to users when they choose to "exit group," which can occasionally cause awkwardness, embarrassment, or drama for those attempting to leave unnoticed. While there are ways to disable this for individual group chats, users are not given this option when they choose to "exit group."
Now, however, only group managers will be informed if a user leaves a group chat without telling any other users.
The platform's emphasis on "developing product features that empower users to have more control and privacy over their messages," according to product head Ami Vora, is part of this.
She asserted that WhatsApp was the most secure platform for private communication.
No other large-scale worldwide messaging service offers this level of protection for the messages, media, voice messages, video calls, and chat backups of its customers.
This would unify online status options with "last seen" settings by giving users the choice of letting only specific contacts—or no one—see when they are active on the site.
"It's always wonderful to give consumers more control - users prefer and need to have more control," said Janis Wong, research associate at The Alan Turing Institute, to BBC News.
However, their impact can be minimal unless users are encouraged to use the features or are made fully aware of them in the app.
Users may not find it very beneficial if they are unaware that this is an option if it is not the default or if they are not asked to reevaluate their choices, she continued.